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How To Apply For Discounted Internet Through the BCPS Free Meal Program

*Please note, these are the steps that worked for me (a regular old parent) enrolling through the Affordable Connectivity Program with Verizon Fios home internet. I am in no way affiliated with BCPS, any government entity, or any program mentioned herein. I cannot guarantee that these same steps that worked for me will work for you, especially if you have a different internet provider but I wanted to share the steps that did work for me in hopes that they will work for others.

As you know, this school year, all students enrolled in Baltimore County Public Schools are receiving free breakfast and lunch through the Community Eligibility Program (CEP). As a result of BCPS's participation in the CEP Program, all families are eligible to receive a discount of $30 per month off your internet bill regardless of income level through the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP).

Here are the steps to apply:

  • Make sure the person applying for the ACP credit is the ACCOUNT OWNER for your home internet. This information will need to match when you give your internet provider your ACP confirmation code.

  • Have your SSN and your BCPS enrolled child's SSN ready.

  • Go to

  • Complete the required information.

  • To apply via the BCPS CEP participation, make the following selections:

  • Complete the rest of the information.

  • When asked to upload documents for verification use this letter and try a screenshot from Focus that shows your child is enrolled with the BCPS logo included, just like this:

After you submit your supporting documents, your application will be pending review. It says this can take from 15 minutes to 2 days. You will get an email once the review is complete (mine took just about 15 minutes.)

Once you get your approval email, and you have Verizon Fios home internet, go to: to apply your ACP credit to your Verizon account.

Upon completion, I received a confirmation email from Verizon and a note with a fun surprise of an additional $15/mth savings!

I hope you are able to enroll successfully and receive your discount(s)! As mentioned at the beginning, although these steps worked for me, I cannot promise they will work universally. If you run into roadblocks you will need to contact someone at the Affordable Connectivity Program and/or your internet service provider.

If you found this information helpful and were able to save some money, consider scrolling down and donating to the PTA to show your appreciation!


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